Friday, July 27, 2012

From my novel "The Evil Within"

Within a few minutes it was over. The captain stood alone in the center of the camp still holding his pistol, his feet frozen in place. Hideous demonic creatures encircled him somehow saving the little man for last. A large beast moved closer staring directly through the captain’s eyes and into his soul. Sobbing and screaming continued to resound through his ears, unaware that the sounds were emitting from within him. Warm breath and saliva mixed with a foul stench accosted his face. Becoming completely hysterical in those last few moments of terror the, mans mind tried desperately and failed to shut down. He had never come before an enemy whose very being was conceived of malignant, evil. The old priest’s words echoed through his mind one more time, “Evil will only beget more evil”. To the German executioner the worst begotten evil known to man was standing before him. Satan himself!

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