Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Ghost Story By Robert Siebers

While camping deep in the Gila National wilderness area four years ago, a strange event occurred. My son and I were just getting ready to call it a night and get some sleep. The tents were erected, kerosene lanterns lit the small meadow in which we were camped. The sound of the rushing water from the nearby stream accented the usual desert night sounds. From the far hills a coyote sang us a mournful lullaby. As we sat drinking our coffee and discussing the next days activities, the distinct sound of a snapping branch from the far side of the meadow caught our attention. My son turned on the flashlight and scanned the edge of the woods but the beam revealed nothing. We decided it was just a deer or an elk which are very abundant in that area. Then in the next moment the sound of feet moving through the trees and brush became very distinct. So I picked up another flashlight and we both began scanning the forest with our light beams. Again the sound ceased and all was quiet. Being no more than a days walk by foot from the Mexican border, my next thought was illegal aliens or Narco Trafficantes (Drug Traffickers). I quietly stood up and walked to where my rifle was and easily picked it up then directed the muzzle to where we last heard the sounds. All was silent now except for the sound of the rushing stream in the ravine below. Even the coyote was now quiet. Another movement in the brush, only now it was directly to our right and only a few feet away at the edge of the trees. Turning our lights towards the noise revealed a large pair of burnt orange eyes staring at us from a short stout figure about three feet in height with a square head. The eyes blinked in the beam of the flashlights. Peering at us from behind a prickly pear cactus the creature opened its mouth to reveal a collection of teeth no less than four rows deep. No growl only a hissing sound similar to a snake emitted from its mouth. In fear I quickly raised my rifle and fired a warning shot over the head of the ungodly beast. It merely stood there and blinked its' demonic eyes at me and made a shuffle in our direction. "Bullshit," I screamed quickly pulling the bolt on my rifle and injecting another round in the chamber. As if the creature knew what was coming next it ducked low and scurried into the forest from which it had come. The sound of two large feet shuffling through the undergrowth at a rapid pace faded quickly into the night. My son and I stood frozen in place for a few moments not knowing what to think. "What the hell was that," asked my son? "I have no idea," was all I could answer. Both of us, being experienced backpackers, were at a loss. neither of us had ever seen anything like it before or since. Who knows what it was that night. The desert has the ability to produce some very strange creatures and keep even stranger secrets. We took turns sleeping that night. One of us stayed awake to keep watch while the other slept. The creature did not return, but I'm sure it kept a guarded watch on us from the darkness of the forest. This story is true. You can believe it or not.

This story cannot be republished without the express permission of the author.
All rights reserved

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